GIA Report Results API Documentation

The GIA Report Results API enables applications to integrate with GIA’s database to verify grading information and retrieve assets associated with a report.



Read this guide for details on how to query a report number and parse the response.


The GIA Report Results API uses GraphQL. GraphQL is a query language supported by all major programming languages.

GraphQL tools provide documentation navigators to help you explore the API. To learn more, try our Quickstart Guide.

Report Results

The GIA Report Results API returns results for GIA’s reports and services through an endpoint called getReport.

A call to getReport returns a GradingReport with fields common to all reports. These include report number, report date, and report type. Different report types have distinct fields in their results. For example, a diamond report has different attributes than a sapphire report.

The results field contains a union type called ReportResults that returns one of the following concrete types:

Use a conditional fragment (such as ... on DiamondGradingReportResults) to access these fields.

Tip: Use the __typename meta field to determine how to handle the data on your client.

  getReport(report_number: "2141438171") {
    results {
      ... on DiamondGradingReportResults {


  "data": {
    "getReport": {
      "report_date": "September 01, 2019",
      "report_number": "2141438171",
      "report_type": "Diamond Dossier",
      "results": {
        "__typename": "DiamondGradingReportResults",
        "shape_and_cutting_style": "Emerald Cut",
        "carat_weight": "0.51 carat",
        "color_grade": "E",
        "clarity_grade": "VS2"

Data Types

Most results fields are String types to accommodate the text as it appears on a grading report. For example, Internally Flawless clarity grades will be spelled out rather than abbreviated IF.

In most cases, abbreviated versions are also available. These Enums return one of the allowed values. Look for fields that end with _code. Examples are report_type_code, clarity_grade_code, and color_grade_code.

Concatenated fields are also available individually. For example, measurements for round diamonds are minimum diameter - maximum diameter x depth. The numerical fields arise in the RoundMeasurements type.

The links field holds links to supplementary assets.

The assets field also holds links to supplementary assets in an array strcuture format. The array structure format provides additional metadata such as asset_type_code and asset_type_description.

The availability of assets depends on the report type and other factors. Fields are null if an asset is not available.

Links are active for 60 minutes from the API call. The API returns an error if you attempt to access assets after this period.

Report Results for encrypted report number

getReportEnc query returns GradingReport type representing GIA’s report data and services. This endpoint accepts encrypted report number and returns same data as getReport endpoint.

  getReportEnc(report_number_enrypted: "B5590075058B04A2479A66903CE536EE") {
    results {
      ... on DiamondGradingReportResults {


  "data": {
    "getReportEnc": {
      "report_date": "September 01, 2019",
      "report_number": "2141438171",
      "report_type": "Diamond Dossier",
      "results": {
        "__typename": "DiamondGradingReportResults",
        "shape_and_cutting_style": "Emerald Cut",
        "carat_weight": "0.51 carat",
        "color_grade": "E",
        "clarity_grade": "VS2"

Checking for Stale Reports

Periodically review the status of any reports cached in your systems to avoid presenting outdated information.

You are entitled to updates on any report for 24 months from the time of the original lookup at no additional cost. This will assist you in retrieving the most recent report results without incurring any additional charges.

Consuming Report Update Events

The getChangedReports() query returns a paginated set of report objects that:

The clearChangedReports() mutation clears the list of changed reports so that subsequent getChangedReports() calls do not list the same updates.

Call getChangedReports() daily, so that you always have the most recent data.

Test your implementation with these sandbox reports. These reports are automatically updated on an hourly basis.

Report Number Report Type
2141438172 Diamond Dossier
2141438169 Diamond Grading Report
2141438170 Diamond Grading Report
2201609646 Diamond Origin Report
6204489200 Diamond Origin Report
2141438174 Colored Diamond Grading Report
2141438175 Colored Diamond Identification and Origin Report
1102019845 Identification Report

This example will return the first two updates from the queue and a cursor. The cursor allows you to retrieve additional updates in a subsequent request.

  getChangedReports(limit: 2) {
    results {
      report {


  "data": {
    "getChangedReports": {
      "results": [
          "report": {
            "report_number": "10363689",
            "report_type": "Colored Diamond Grading Report"
          "report": {
            "report_number": "1106785034",
            "report_type": "Diamond Dossier"
      "endCursor": "eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoyLCJ0b2tlbiI6IkFRSUNBSGkrT0FnPT0ifQ=="

The getChangedReports() query accepts limit and cursor parameters. These parameters allow you to page through the results, rather than retrieving all results at once.

You have additional updates available if you received a string in endCursor. Pass the cursor in your next query in order to obtain the additional results.

  getChangedReports(limit: 2, cursor: "eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoyLCJ0b2tlbiI6IkFRSUNBSGkrT0FnPT0ifQ==") {
    results {
      report {


  "data": {
    "getChangedReports": {
      "results": [
          "report": {
            "report_number": "1112713401",
            "report_type": "Colored Diamond Grading Report"
          "report": {
            "report_number": "1112945921",
            "report_type": "Diamond Dossier"
      "endCursor": "2RVNXB2RXRWTnJ5YlROSjdlbmNDYWsyK3BML3N6dHFGR2pLVFFWK096RUlIR05"

Review the GraphQL Pagination Documentation for additional information.

Clearing the Queue

Once you have retrieved and saved all the updates, call clearUpdatedReports() to empty the queue.

mutation {
Verify Individual Reports

Pass a report number and date to isReportUpdated to determine whether the report was updated after that date.

  isReportUpdated(report_number: "6203489265", date: "2020-01-01") {


  "data": {
    "isReportUpdated": {
      "report_updated": false,

Connecting to the API

Crafting Your Request

Construct the request body and convert it to JSON before sending it to the endpoint as a POST request with the proper headers.

Step 1: Craft a valid query using a GraphQL-aware tool.

Use a tool such as Insomnia to validate your query. Instructions are in the Quickstart Guide.

We’ll use this example query throughout this section.

query ReportQuery($ReportNumber: String!) {
    getReport(report_number: $ReportNumber){
        results {
            ... on DiamondGradingReportResults {
        quota {

Note the use of the ReportNumber query variable.

  "ReportNumber": "2141438171"

Be sure your query is successful before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Construct a GraphQL request body using your language’s idioms

The body you send to the API must conform to GraphQL standards.

The best practice is to construct this structure using the features of your language before converting it to JSON.

The API expects this structure:

  "query": "YOUR_QUERY_GOES_HERE", 
  "variables": { 

You know the elements (query, variable name, and value) from Step 1. In the example above, ReportNumber is the variable, and "2141438171" is the value.

One way to construct the request body is to use Dictionary elements:

  1. Create a dictionary object called query_variables of type (String, String).
  2. Insert an element into query_variables with ReportNumber as the index and "2141438171" as the value.
  3. Create a second dictionary object called body of type (String, Object)
  4. Insert an element into body with query as the index and the query you drafted in Step 1 as the value.
  5. Insert a second element into body with variables as the index and query_variables as the value
// Example in C#

var query = @"
query ReportQuery($ReportNumber: String!) {
    getReport(report_number: $ReportNumber){
        results {
            ... on DiamondGradingReportResults {
        quota {

// Set the report number to lookup
var reportNumber = "2141438171";

// Construct the request body to be POSTed to the graphql server
var query_variables = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "ReportNumber", reportNumber}
var body = new Dictionary<string, object>
    { "query", query },
    { "variables", query_variables }

Step 3: Convert the request body object to JSON

Your programming language has a library for serializing objects to JSON.

// Example in C#: 

string json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(body);

Tip: Avoid hand-coding your JSON body. Use the tools your language provides.

Step 4: Construct the HTTP request

The API requires two HTTP headers:

Do not embed API keys directly in code: Embedded API keys can be accidentally exposed. Store API keys in environment variables or files outside of your application’s source tree.

// Example in C# 

var client = new WebClient()

// key contains the API key
client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, key);
client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

Tip: You do not need a specialized GraphQL client to query the API. You can use the HTTP client provided by your programming language.

Step 5: POST the HTTP request

You are now ready to send the request to the API.

// Example in C#

// Send the payload as a JSON to the endpoint
var response = client.UploadString(url, json);

Parsing the Response


The GIA Report Results API returns responses in JSON. The shape of the JSON response aligns with the GraphQL query you submitted.

Checking for Errors

Error checking the GraphQL response requires attention at several points.

  1. Ensure you received an HTTP 200 OK response.
  2. Check the GraphQL errors field for any other problems.

For more information, see Error Conditions.

Working with the Response

The tools you use depend on the language you are using. With statically-typed languages such as C# and Java, you will either (a) deserialize the JSON object into a native class or (b) use a library that allows you to work with the JSON document natively.

Option (a) can be tricky given the polymorphic nature of the ReportResults object. This approach is not discussed further in this document.

Platform Overview

GIA has engineered this system for the utmost performance, security, and availability. This section contains details for connecting to the API reliably and securely.

API Plans and Quota Monitoring

A plan enables lookups in the GIA Report Results API.

Each plan has report lookups associated with it. You will no longer be able to retrieve report results when this quota runs out. Track your quota and take action when necessary.

There are multiple ways to retrieve your quota:

  1. Call getQuota to get your remaining allowance. Calling getQuota does not affect your remaining quota.
  2. Call getReport and request the quota { remaining } field as part of the response.
  3. View your quota by signing in to your GIA Report Results API dashboard.

Note: The system calculates your quota within each report lookup. If you request multiple reports in a single request, the quota remaining may be misleading. The precise quota remaining is the minimum of all remaining values in the response.

Calling getQuota alone (that is, as a request separate from any calls to getReport) will always return the exact number of report lookups remaining.

API Keys

API keys authenticate and authorize requests to the API. A plan may have multiple API keys. You may revoke any key without affecting other keys on the plan.

Important: Securely store these keys and do not share them! You are responsible for taking all precautions to safeguard access to the keys.

Sandbox Environment

GIA will issue you a sandbox plan and associated key as soon as your API application is submitted. This key can access a limited set of reports that represent the variety of results you can expect from the API.

See Sandbox Reports for a list of reports available under the sandbox plan.

There is no charge to add lookups to your sandbox API plan. Please contact us for assistance.

Moving to Production

You will be able to add a production API plain once GIA approves your application. API keys associated with this plan may access the full set of reports available in GIA’s database.

Quota Monitoring

Check your remaining quota by using getQuota. Checking your quota does not affect your remaining quota.


You can also get your remaining quota with each query to getReport.

  getReport(report_number: "2141438171") {


  "data": {
    "getReport": {
      "report_date": "September 01, 2019",
      "report_number": "2141438171",
      "report_type": "Diamond Dossier",
      "quota": {
        "remaining": 967

Quota Buckets

Each purchase of lookups in your API plan will create a new “quota bucket”. You may query all quota buckets for the initial allocation, the lookups remaining, and the expiration date of the bucket.

  getQuota {
    buckets {


  "data": {
    "getQuota": {
      "remaining": 1284,
      "buckets": [
          "id": "2e35ceaf-7957-4b7b-94b8-8253df37d08e",
          "initial": 5000,
          "remaining": 1284,
          "expiration_date": "2021-02-04T15:19:00Z",
          "status": "ACTIVE"

Rate Limits

Rate limiting is applied based on the authorization key. You have sent too many requests if the API returns status code 429. Check the Retry-After header for the number of seconds to wait before resending your request.

System Status

The GIA Report Results API is engineered for high availability. You may view our current system status and historical uptime at

Important: Subscribe to notifications at These notifications are the method we will use to update you on planned maintenance or unplanned incidents.

Migrating from the Legacy Report Check API

Some fields are coded differently in this API. In most cases, we have provided both the abbreviated and full text fields.


Field Legacy Report Check API Report Results API
Culet VSM Very Small
Girdle STK to THK, F Slightly Thick to Thick, Faceted

Error Conditions

Report not found

The API returns an HTTP 200 OK response if the report is unavailable. The errors object includes a message and an error code.

  "data": {
    "getReport": null
  "errors": [
      "path": [
      "data": null,
      "errorType": "REPORT UNAVAILABLE",
      "errorInfo": "REPORT NOT FOUND",
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 3,
          "sourceName": null
      "message": "This report does not exist or is not available through Report Check. For further information, please contact us. Code: c7b893ee-63ba-4e03-be84-83ef13da222f"
Possible Cause Solution
The requested report number does not exist. Check your entries and try again.
The report exists, but has not been returned to the client and is not yet available. Retry your query after the item is returned to the client.
The report exists but is unavailable for other reasons. Contact GIA for further information.

Report Not Found - Forbidden

If you attempt to query a non-sandbox report with a sandbox key, you will receive an error message.

  "data": {
    "getReport": null
  "errors": [
      "path": [
      "data": null,
      "errorType": "REPORT NOT FOUND",
      "errorInfo": "FORBIDDEN",
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 3,
          "sourceName": null
      "message": "This API key does not have permission to access this report. If this is a sandbox API key, please obtain a production API key and retry your request."
Possible Cause Solution
You are using a sandbox key to access a non-sandbox report number. Obtain a production key.

Item is Undergoing Service

Items that are currently being serviced by GIA are unavailable through this API.

  "data": {
    "report1": null,
  "errors": [
      "path": [
      "data": null,
      "errorInfo": REPORT IN HOUSE
      "errorType":  REPORT UNAVAILABLE
      "locations": [
          "line": 3,
          "column": 3,
          "sourceName": null
      "message": "The item with this report number is undergoing service by GIA. Once service is completed and the item is returned, report results will be displayed. Please try your search later."
Possible Cause Solution
The item is being serviced by GIA. Wait until the item has been completed and returned to the client.

Invalid key

An invalid key returns an HTTP 403 Forbidden response and this body content:

  "message": "Authorization denied."
Possible Cause Solution
Your key is inactive. Log in to the developer portal and confirm your key.

Quota limit exceeded

Queries that exceed the plan’s quota return an HTTP 200 OK response. Details appear in the errors object.

  "data": {
    "getReport": null
  "errors": [
      "path": [
      "data": null,
      "errorInfo": PLAN QUOTA MET
      "errorType":  QUOTA REACHED
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 3,
          "sourceName": null
      "message": "QuotaUsageLimit"
Possible Cause Solution
Your quota limit has been consumed or has expired. Add additional lookups through the developer portal.

Report Number Returned Does Not Match Report Number Requested

From time to time, GIA re-examines items and issues updated reports. In those cases, queries for the original report redirect to the current report. A note appears in the info_message field.

Possible Cause Solution
A newer report has been issued to replace the original report number. The current report number is the most accurate data GIA has for this item.

Asset links expire 60 minutes from the time you query the API. Requesting an asset using an expired URL returns HTTP 403 Forbidden and a “Request has Expired” message.

  <Message>Request has expired</Message>
Possible Cause Solution
The asset link has expired. Query getReport to obtain a new asset link.


  "errors" : [ {
    "message" : "Invalid JSON payload in POST request.",
    "errorType" : "MalformedHttpRequestException"
  } ]
Possible Cause Solution
JSON is invalid. Ensure the JSON you submit is well-formed.
Improper nesting of escape characters. Avoid using string concatenation and check that you are escaping properly for your language.

Invalid encrypted report number value

The API returns an HTTP 200 OK response if the provided report number cannot be decrypted and the errors object includes an appropriate message.

	"data": {
		"getReportEnc": null
	"errors": [
			"path": [
			"data": null,
			"errorType": "ARGUMENT ERROR",
			"errorInfo": "report_number_enrypted invalid value",
			"locations": [
					"line": 2,
					"column": 3,
					"sourceName": null
			"message": "A report_number_enrypted contains invalid value that cannot be decrypted properly."
Possible Cause Solution
The encrypted report number cannot be decrypted. Check your entries and try again.

Providing Feedback

Your feedback drives improvements to the GIA Report Results API. Please let us know of any suggestions, ideas, or bugs that you encounter. You can find us at

If you encounter an unexpected error condition in the GIA Report Results API, please include the error code returned in the response.